02 810 8892-6

Most View Projects

  • Township & Transport
  • Health
  • Residential
  • Retail
  • Infrastructure & Utilities

Most Value Projects

  • Township & Transport
  • Infrastructure & Utilities
  • Oil & Gas, Mining
  • Building
  • Health

This is only a part of our project details provided for you as an example among several thousands of projects that you can access to. Our information cover all areas in Thailand with the explicit separation of procedures from project preparation, design, bidding, to the construction. You can contact us at 02 810 6687, 02 810 8892-6.

"Covering 9 provinces"
"เชียงใหม่, เชียงราย, ลำปาง, ลำพูน, แม่ฮ่องสอน, น่าน, พะเยา, แพร่, อุตรดิตถ์ "
iCONS Marketing

Project Stage

  • Compettion (Quantity , Values)
  • Concept (Quantity , Values)
  • Design (Quantity , Values)
  • Documentation (Quantity , Values)
  • Tender (Quantity , Values)
  • Post Tender (Quantity , Values)
  • Under Construction (Quantity , Values)
  • Construction Finish (Quantity , Values)

Project Category

  • Hotel (Quantity , Values)
  • Residential (Quantity , Values)
  • Retail (Quantity , Values)
  • Health (Quantity , Values)
  • Building (Quantity , Values)
  • Industrial (Quantity , Values)
  • Community (Quantity , Values)
  • Power Plant (Quantity , Values)
  • Oil & Gas (Quantity , Values)
  • Township & Transportation (Quantity , Values)
  • Recreation (Quantity , Values)
  • Education (Quantity , Values)
  • Infrastructure (Quantity , Values)
  • Legal & Military (Quantity , Values)

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